As per the American Cancer Society, bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men, but it's less common in women. The urothelium is a layer of cells that lines the bladder and other sections of the urinary tract. A thin, fibrous band known as the lamina propria divides this layer of cells from the muscularis propria of the bladder wall. When the cells that make up the urinary bladder begin to proliferate out of control, bladder cancer develops.
Depending on the type, this cancer can be noninvasive, nonmuscle invasive, or muscle-invasive. The types are classified based on the tumor’s growth pattern. The five main types of bladder cancer are as below.
This kind is the most prevalent type of bladder cancer. It occurs when a cancerous tumor develops in the bladder's interior lining.
This rare, aggressive type of bladder cancer originates in neuroendocrine cells.
It occurs when squamous cells form in the bladder lining as a result of swelling or irritation.
Sarcoma is an uncommon kind that begins in the bladder's muscle cells.
This is a rare form that shares characteristics with colon cancer cells.
Not all bladder cancer patients will experience symptoms. Additionally, the symptoms could point to illnesses unrelated to bladder cancer, such as kidney stones, hyperactive bladders, and urinary tract infections. However, you should inform your doctor right away if you experience any of these symptoms so that testing can be done. A few of the more common indications of bladder cancer include:
Depending on the size and stage of cancer, the origin of the tumor, and the patient's medical history, the treatment options differ from patient to patient. The generally prescribed treatment options include:
For the majority of bladder cancers, surgery is a part of the treatment. The sort of surgery performed depends on the stage and aggressiveness of the tumor. It also depends on general health conditions and the potential long-term implications of certain types of surgery.
Drugs are used in chemotherapy, also known as "chemo," to try and reduce a tumor before surgery so that it may be removed more easily and to lessen the chance that cancer will return.
High-energy radiation is used to eliminate cancerous cells. Radiation therapy is performed as a part of the treatment for some early-stage bladder cancers. It may be also used after surgery that doesn't entirely remove the bladder.
Utilizing medications to assist the body's immune system in identifying and eliminating the affected cells is known as immunotherapy. This cancer can sometimes be treated with this method. Depending on the dosage, the medications are often administered as intravenous infusions every 2 to 6 weeks.
The likelihood of successful treatment increases if the tumor is diagnosed early. A series of tests are performed to find out whether there are tumors present in the bladder. The following tests may be used to diagnose bladder cancer:
1. Urinalysis
2. Urine cytology
3. Imaging tests
4. Cystoscopy
The bladder cancer specialists on our team are renowned experts in all aspects of cancer treatments, from drug studies to new surgical techniques to treatment development.
The following are our providers who you can consult at ACTC:
Radiation Oncology
If you are looking for experienced bladder cancer specialists in Florida, then speak to experts at ACTC. Cancer specialists at ACTC are dedicated to providing exceptional patient care by prescribing effective personalized and evidence-based treatment plans for their patients. We strive to create a positive environment for patients and their families throughout their cancer journey. We have some of the best bladder cancer doctors in Florida working on our team.
Schedule a consultation by calling
Blood or blood clots in the urine, lower back pain, and frequent urination are some of the first few warning signs of bladder cancer.
It tends to grow and spread slowly.
Bladder cancer is most commonly diagnosed in people over 55 years old.
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